Dairy Farming with Field Crops IFS

Dairy Farming with Field Crops (IFS)

Welcome to our website, where we will explore the concept of Dairy Farming with Field Crops Integrated Farming System (IFS). Integrated Farming System is a sustainable approach that combines multiple agricultural activities to maximize productivity and efficiency. In this system, dairy farming is integrated with the cultivation of field crops, creating a mutually beneficial relationship between the two.

Benefits of Integrated Farming System

The integration of dairy farming with field crops offers several advantages:

  • Diversification: By combining dairy farming and field crop cultivation, farmers can diversify their income sources and reduce dependence on a single activity. This helps in mitigating risks and ensuring a stable income.
  • Nutrient Cycling: Field crops produce crop residues, which can be used as feed for dairy animals. In return, the manure from the animals can be utilized as organic fertilizer for the crops, creating a closed-loop system that minimizes the need for external inputs.
  • Optimal Land Utilization: Integrated Farming System allows for efficient utilization of land. The land used for cultivating field crops can also be used for grazing animals, thereby maximizing the productivity of the available space.
  • Improved Soil Health: The integration of field crops with dairy farming helps in improving soil health. The crop residues and manure contribute to organic matter content, enhance soil fertility, and promote better crop growth.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: Integrated Farming System promotes sustainable agriculture practices by reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This leads to a lower environmental impact and helps in preserving the ecosystem.

Setting up Dairy Farming with Field Crops Integrated Farming System

Here are some key considerations for setting up an Integrated Farming System:

1. Selection of Dairy Animals

Choose suitable dairy animals based on your location, climate, and market demand. Consider factors such as milk production capacity, breed suitability, and disease resistance. Ensure proper housing and management facilities for the animals.

2. Field Crop Selection

Select field crops that are compatible with the climate and soil conditions of your region. Consider factors such as water availability, market demand, and crop rotation requirements. Plan your crop calendar to ensure a continuous supply of feed for the animals.

3. Integration of Dairy Farming and Field Crops

Design your farm layout in a way that allows for the integration of dairy farming and field crops. Allocate suitable land for grazing, fodder cultivation, and crop production. Ensure proper fencing and irrigation facilities.

4. Nutrient Management

Implement an efficient nutrient management system to optimize the utilization of crop residues and animal manure. Use composting techniques to convert organic waste into high-quality fertilizer. Regularly monitor soil health and nutrient levels to ensure balanced crop nutrition.

5. Marketing and Value Addition

Explore marketing opportunities for both dairy products and field crops. Consider value addition options such as processing milk into dairy products or processing crops into value-added products. This can help in increasing profitability and creating a niche market for your products.


Dairy Farming with Field Crops Integrated Farming System (IFS) offers a sustainable and profitable approach to agriculture. By combining dairy farming with the cultivation of field crops, farmers can diversify their income sources, improve soil health, and reduce environmental impact. Integrated Farming System is a holistic approach that promotes efficient land utilization, nutrient cycling, and overall farm productivity. Embracing this system can lead to a more resilient and prosperous agricultural sector.